Have you found the most effective diet for your body? For many people, diet can be painful if they try various diets many times without getting the result. Diet usually promises quick weight loss. There are various diet programs that you can find on the internet. Actually, effective diet usually promises 1-2 % weight loss of your body’s weight every week. It is ideal proportion for your body. Compared with other diets, Mediterranean diet plan can give you desired result.
What is Mediterranean diet plan? This diet plan usually suggests 50% carbohydrates, 20% proteins, and 30% fats for body. You can consider it as healthy diet with low salt and fat. This diet plan is usually related to constant use of olive oil. Many people believes that olive oil can be effective antioxidant. It is very good for health and body. In this modern era, your body needs protection against free radicals. You can consume 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil daily to enjoy better life.
Mediterranean diet plan is also same with other diet plans. You can also find fresh fruits, legumes, and vegetables in your food list. There are also other meals recommended in this diet plan. Nuts are good snacks for this diet. Dairy products are still allowed as long as you consume it moderately. Four eggs per week is another recommendation for this diet. Moreover, exercise can boost your health and diet.
Mediterranean diet plan requires you to make some changes in your life. It can be hard for many people. When you choose a diet, you will find that your lifestyle changes. You will find some changes in your liquid intake. It is important to get support from your family or friend. Partner in your diet is better since he/she can help you enjoy your diet. How about lifestyle changes in this diet? There are many changes that you can find. At least, you should drink 6 glasses of water per day. You can also drink red wine if you want. You must avoid salt and sugar. You can replace salt with spices and herbs. Honey is recommended to replace sugar as sweetening. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat apple, nut, or sandwich.
Actually, there is no specific definition of effective diet. The best diet for quick weight loss is not always good for everyone. Mediterannean diet plan will be useless if you don’t have commitment to yourself and your diet. You should do exercise, eat nutritious foods, and ask your doctor for opinion. There is no instant solution to get what you want.